Sewing today has become an expensive hobby when at one time it used to be the way to create and save money for your family. Today people have to be more creative to conserve the funds that are available for creating necessity, sale items or just items for fun.
There is several ways to save money to be able to create projects. One way is don't throw out those old clothes and household items once they have out served their purpose. You can also ask your friends and Neighbors to not throw out their items. You can use the fabric, as long as this is strong good use fabric, to repurpose for other items. You can either piece together different Fabrics to create what you want or take a larger item and make it into something smaller to repurpose. For example, you can use an old shirt and create a small shirt and matching bottoms for a small child or infant.
Another way is check your local used stores that sell clothes or fabric items by the bag or extremely low price for individual items. I'm sure many have noticed that are used stores that are everywhere with big names, has really increased their prices to the point it is better to purchase new.
You can also check your local Walmart and check their clearance bins and carts. You can buy items sometimes for only $1 each or less. Other stores like Target and JCPenney's also have some great clearance items that would be great to repurpose. For example you can take items that you have purchased and create new items that you can even sell.
Some items that you can sell that are made from new items can be items such as, pot holders, small purses, large purses, tote bags, animal scarves for the pet cat and dog. But the list can go on because you can create so many things that can keep you going and build your capital. Many businesses think that they can just go to any supply store and buy things to use for their items but think about repurposing things that can help to save money. Many times by the time you get buying all the items that you need to create something, the cost is too expensive for people to even buy unless they are searching for something that is unique. Handmade item cost has increased over time due to the cost of supplies, so let's try to work together to help consumers with better deals.
So I sure would love to hear some others ideas or things that you have repurposed from other items. I would appreciate if you would attach a picture of the item and what you use and how you did it. It is always exciting to share ideas and in others great successes.
So throw a comment with your item story and a picture that may help someone else to develop some new ideas.